Tuesday 17 July 2012

Being Creative

Hey all!!! just finished my very first strip for a mini series I am thinking about starting, please feel free to  leave feedback on the posts you see here. 

End Of Days

New concept for a game I would like to pursue I have called it End Of Days. A post apocalyptic action game set in the U.K, the cause is an asteroid has hit earth destroying over half of it, the next challenge is for my main character "Francis Kay" is to survive the wastelands and battle gangs of insane individuals driven to cannibalism from lack of food left.

Here are some of my concept work for Francis: 

Also a simple enemy possibility:

this net image I used a scene from Fallout 3 to show the look I am aiming for:

So!! that's my idea I am also still working out some issues with the other idea "The Sighting" more to come soon.

Also check out my art reel.




Monday 16 July 2012

Friday 13 April 2012

Hey Guys

Hey Guys as you can tell this is my blog away from uni, showing all my art work and game ideas that I am working on so I look forward to your feedback its most welcome here.

so to kick off my first game idea, I will post this.

It's my cover idea for a first person horror survival game called " The Sighting" its set modern times as a paranormal investigator is sent to locations to uncover the truth behind the sightings of spirits and tainted souls, its a game heavenly dependent on sound and a sense of isolation this will be a graphic representation of the paranormal world and may even touch apon religious activity.

So with that little segment of information I hope to update this blog again with more ideas and content,   

Tuesday 28 February 2012

My drawing inspired from "The art of mass effect"

This original picture was in "The Art Of Mass Effect" 

I started started with outline.

 I then added a dark base colour.

this Grey background forces me to use a different pallet of colours.

Added light greens and yellows.

Then added highlights and low lights.

Added all the shaded parts and the dirt.

Added all the details, lights in helmet.